Sunday, October 11, 2009
We'll be back
Until we are back please visit the site listed in the posting below.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
A Site for ALL Citizens and their Opinions
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Lots of conversation
Saturday, August 22, 2009's the rest of the meeting on the 18th
Yorktowne has not lived up to the requirements of their performance agreement - instead of the several hundred jobs that they promised by this time, they have only employed 87 people. The county is asking to re-establish their performance agreement to let them have more time. I personally think the more time the better, because the national econonomy has devastated businesses such as Yorktowne, who's cabinet business is almost totally dependent on the housing market.
The Tobacco Commission will finance bond payments for 10.5 million, for the Mega Park.
Mr. Ecker wants the waterline in the Grit area to be extended. There was some negative discussion on this, and finally Mr. Ecker said, "I supported waterlines for Whispering Pines, and I supported waterlines on Rt. 40 - why can't you support my constituents...this line is needed." The board finally agreed to have a feasibility study done and go forth from there.
The Board motioned to have a public hearing on the issue of freezing car taxes for disabled vets (surely that will be a no-brainer) and the entire board was, by the way, in favor of that.
The Northern Pittsylvania Food Bank wants a land donation - the 2 acres that was formerly the football field at the old Gretna Middle School. They want land to build a building for food storage. The board seemed to be in favor but wanted assurance that the Food Bank would build at some point, so the agreement should contain a stipulation that if a building was not built, the land would revert back to the county. A public hearing will be held at the next meeting on this issue.
The county hiring freeze (ha ha ha ha ha) was once again waived so that the Economic Development Director could hire a secretary. BTW, the Economic Development director was recently sent to the "Basic Economic Development" course. This course is held in Oklahoma or Chapel Hill. I assume he and Greg Sides were sent to Chapel Hill. Just for your information, most localities that hire directors look for people that have achieved economic development certification, which takes years and years. Basic is just the beginning. Why is the county paying $80K+ for someone that is so inexperienced that he has to be sent to Basic? Just so ya know - the old project manager for Econ Dev, Kyle Butler, had Basic under his belt, but he was thrown out with the bath water, and now he and his family are leaving for Hagarstown MD, where he has obtained a wonderful career opportunity. Once again, the county threw out a bright, intelligent young man and has the expense of starting all over - primarily because, in my opinion, Coy Harville wanted no one who knew more about Econ Dev than he thinks he does.
Two things - there is a lot of networking in the econ dev business, like it or not....and the old office employees had a lot of that already in the system...the new director will have to learn who's who and start all over making connections. This guy had to be hired because he sucked up to Coy and the four block.
And - the county complains about our intelligent young people leaving the area - but then they help throw them out, with their stupid decisions and egotistical self indulgences.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Aug 18 Board Meeting
I mean we're talking $10 here. People were like "what if my dog dies, and I don't get my 10 bucks worth?" Coy pulled out a letter similar to that and read it....I mean, he never read any letters since I've been there about "real" county issues. It was the craziest thing I have ever seen. I mean, what do these people want - a rebate. My dog died and I still had a year and 2 months left, so give me back part of what I paid for my tag.
I'll tell you something: I have a dog, and if anything happened to her, the last thing on my mind would be the lousy $10 that I paid for a dog tag. I'd be devastated over the death of my dog, not worrying over the tag.
I felt sympathy for Teresa Easley who got up and said that she was trying to simplify one thing in the treasurer's office, but if she had known it was going to cause this much controversy, she wouldn't have done it, and so just leave it the way it is, which is what they did.
And I'm telling you folks something else: if you all don't tell everyone you know that Sunday Beer Sales and Liquor by the Drink are not moral issues - they are revenue issues, that battle will be lost as well....
Write letters to the paper and tell people it has absolutely nothing to do with drinking - it has to do with restaurants and stores not locating here; it has to do with people driving out of the county to shop and eat....
I'm just about done with all this. In just the short time that we have been going to the board meetings and seeing what is going on in this county, I'm ready to surrender. I have never in my life personally witnessed such blatant ignorance on all sides.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Ready for Tuesday night's meeting?
A few things on the agenda are Extension of the Grit waterline, freezing taxes for disabled veterans (per the board packet, this is the license fee), and a waiver of the county hiring freeze...
Also there is a new link to get to the Board Packets, agendas, etc. I will put a new link in the right column. Here it is:
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Thanks Mr. Ecker
Friday, August 7, 2009
Planning Commission
Thursday, August 6, 2009
BOS Meeting Aug. 3 09
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Recording Meetings
State of the County Address
Thursday, July 30, 2009
A little different information
We NEED You!
Big Brothers Big Sisters is urgently seeking mentors to fulfill its goal of 40 mentors before Sept 1st.
All you have to do is eat lunch with a child at a local school, twice a week.
Without mentors, our program will not last.
Things to know:
· There’s almost no one so busy that they can’t find a way to fit in an hour a week.
· You can always help by spreading the word at your workplace, neighborhood, church, etc…
· Anyone over the age of 18 can be a mentor. No special skills required.
· These meetings take place during your lunch break from work.
· This is a great volunteer experience for retirees.
Some Facts:
· A new study finds that adults mentored as children through Big Brothers Big Sisters are more likely than peers with similar backgrounds but who were not involved in the program to have a four-year college degree, household incomes of $75,000 or greater and strong relationships with their spouses, children and friends.
· School-based mentoring is not a tutoring program. However, research has shown that of all children matched with a Big in school:
o 58% improved their school performance
o 65% showed higher levels of self-confidence
o 55% had a better attitude toward school
Contact Info:
Tiffany Johnson
In- School Match Specialist
Big Brothers Big Sisters
1225 West Main Street
Danville , VA 24541
Fax: 434-791-3781
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Keep it up and Pass it On!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Please Go to Marshall Ecker's Blog
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Meeting July 21, 09 - A small WIN!
Ingram - Yes
Barber - No
Snead - No
Harville - No
Pritchett - Yes
Davis - Yes
Ecker - Yes
This is a WIN for the Callands-Gretna District! As I have said before, to me it's not about John Doe running to the Quickie Mart on Sunday for a beer - this is about Economic Development and revenue.
Most of the people that are so vehement about Sunday beer and wine sales don't mind leaving church and going to Danville to Applebees - or Altavista or Lynchburg....they are leaving the county to give revenue to another locality....
I realize that Sunday Beer and Wine Sales still won't allow a chain restaurant to locate in the Callands-Gretna district - this will take liquor by the drink. But it's a step in that direction. A step toward a growing future for the county - and initially Gretna; a step towards keeping revenue in the county on Sunday...
So if you see Fred Ingram, or any of the other Supervisors that supported him in seeking development of his district - tell them thank you.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
The Next Meeting for the Board of Supervisors...
Indeed, our supervisors need to realize that they are "public servants" and they are not placed in our government simply to satisfy their own agendas - but the citizenry must step up to the plate as well, to oversee and monitor their own government....
Our taxes are set to go up, to 13 or 14 cents on the dollar in just a couple of years...and it's a done deal....there was little argument - at least in relationship to the citizen popluation...and, basically, in my eyes, the Four Block did what they wanted anyway, which was to put a bandaid on the problem, for now, and let it hit a couple of years down the road, costing the public about 4.9 million to refinance bonds....yes, folks, the refinance Cost the county citizens that much...on top of what was already owed.
Do the citizens have a voice in this government - I can tell you that some of them do not. There seems to be too much rivalry between board members and it allows little room for true compromise and working together for the good of all the people.
Again, please try to make the meetings on the first Monday and third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Edwin Shields Courthouse. Tell everyone you know...tell the public to start attending these meetings and voice their opinions to their Supervisor.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Anonymous Comment
Anonymous said...
You missed out on the whole disussion over Tim Barber steering the new water line away from Whispering Pines to Inman Road where his busines partners have a bunch of residential lots for sale. Why do you think the gang of four is now backing off the Whispering Pines water diversion, after voting on it last meeting? It's because the cat got out of the bag two weeks ago and Barber went scrambling to the Commonwealth Attorney to find out if he should have made public disclosure about steering the water line to benefit his business partners.
And don't you think Snead, chariman of the BOS Personnel Cttee, should have made public disclosure that he was appointing his own brother to be acting director of the PCSA? Keep posted; more coming.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Here are some clips from the meeting
And, when C&E's Restaurant told the Board that the water line up Rt. 40 was inadequate, watch the snide comment made later in the meeting:
Monday, July 6, 2009
Meeting July 6, 2009
Mr. Allan Gross and Mr. Phillip Lovelace spoke as did a few others, about the lead levels in Mr. Gross's well. In short, the history of the well is as follows: Before the drilling, his water was fine. The exploratory drilling started, and Mr. Gross's well water became contaminated. The drilling stopped and the holes were topped off, and his well water became alright again. This speaks to the point that the drilling was, indeed, responsible for the contamination of his well. Mr Lovelace also brought up a good and valid point. If a small drilling could cause that much water damamge, what will happen if uranium mining is allowed and a site that is 250 acres is mined...
Mrs. Carolyn Pritchett asked to speak to the Board, and asked that Ross Johnson read her statement, because she was very hoarse. Mr. Johnson did so. Her statement asked several questions and also asked that each supervisor answer her in written letter. She stated that although the water line had been run up 40, the pressure was too low to sustain use, and that three fire hydrants that were supposed to be installed had not been, due to the fact that they could not operate with such low pressure. She asked why there was so much money spent on the southern end of the county and wondered why the water and sewer could not be put in and made to work properly on the line up Route 40.
There are a number of businesses that need the water pressure and the sewer line or they will not be able to expand - or even operate properly - Centra Health Medical Center being one of these businesses.
There were a couple of moments, though, during the Board meeting that were mind-stunning. Fred Ingram motioned to put Beer and Wine Sales on Sunday on the ballot for each district. A second was needed and none was given. There was a heavy silence in the room as time was given for someone to second the motion. Nothing.
Then, when the Board was discussing water lines in another part of the county, Mr. Harville made a comment along the lines of "Why do we do this, when we give them what they want - they don't appreciate it" and he was referring to Mrs. Pritchett's questions about the water and sewer.
The rest of the meeting was generalized - alotting money for Camp 15 renovation; moeny for the sheriff's dept. which we are glad they agree to this.
Then the meeting went into closed session, where a new business or industry is interested in the county, that has made no prior announcement.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Check out Ecker's blog!
Ecker has questions for the Public
Friday, July 3, 2009
Easy as ABC (license, that is)
But, I don't see the issues about beer and liquor as particularly religous ones. I see them as economic ones. Without these laws, Pittsylvania County cannot entice restaurants, such as Applebees - or any of a plethora of nice restaurants! Without nice restaurants, businesses don't want to's just a vicious circle. For instance, if we had liquor by the drink in Pittsylvania County, we may already have a restaurant in Gretna near the Hampton Inn. Believe me, restaurants don't just locate in a region because the people ask them to. it's strictly business folks, and many things are taken into consideration - traffic counts, demographics, and licensing efforts, and for those restaurants that serve mixed drinks, (and many do) the public issues surrounding liquor by the drink.
Businesses like to be in areas populated with good places to eat, as well. Of course, that's only a preference - but it's still a viable preference.
And, I'm sure you all know by now that one of the reasons - and I say one, because obviously there were several, but one of the larger reasons Walmart decided against location in Blairs is because there would be no Sunday Beer sales.
People, you're not solving a thing by keeping beer sales out of the county on Sunday - the county is losing valuable revenue...because people can go to any surrounding county and buy, and they do. So those of you who may be against this need to know that it's not saving a thing - the only thing it's doing, again, is causing our citizens that prefer beer to have to drive farther, and give money to other localities. Face it, you may not drink and you may not agree with those who do - but agree or not, there are people that like beer. Let them get it in our county - at least, we'll be gaining something!
I'd like to hear your comments - in fact, please use the email on the side to email your supervisor. Maybe they'll read it....
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Next meeting
Happy Independence Day and thank God that brave men and women have given their all to keep us free.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Voice your thoughts
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Marshall Ecker's TV appearance
I just want to say I was totally blown away....Marshall didn't sugar coat anything. He spoke about the division on the board, and something that I didn't know: Before Coy Harville's last run for chairman of the Board, he called Marshall and asked for his support. Marshall told Coy right up front that he couldn't support him, because he felt that since he had previously been chairman, that someone else should be able to Chair the Board this term; he explained to Coy that he thought it would be fairer to have different Supervisors chair the Board, to give each one a chance. Coy then told Marshall "Let the chips fall where they may" - which to me seems almost a threat...and we have now all seen where the "chips" have fallen. Coy, sometimes subtly, sometimes not, treats Marshall and anyone that suports him with no respect whatsoever. Coy has managed to buffalo the remainder of the "4Bloc" to agree with him no matter what - so virtually, the northern end of the county has no voice on the board at all.
Are you a citizen of Chatham, Gretna, or Hurt? Then, I'm telling you from firsthand knowledge of being at these board meetings since are not represented on the Board, because your supervisor has virtually no voice at all. It's not because they don't try - it's because they get voted down with regularity. Don't believe me? Call the County Administrative office and tell them you want to see the voting records of the Board.
Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying that anyone, including Marshall Ecker, should always get their way. All I am asking for is true cooperation, and compromise within the Board. There should be the ability to bring anything to the whole board and have it discussed. Of course, there will not always be agreement, but there should be honest discussion, without personal agendas. And there certainly shouldn't be this playground bully saga that's going on now. If you are reading this, you should know that this does concern you if you are a citizen of Pittsylvania County. What is going on with our "leaders" is tragic - for all of us.
Friday, June 19, 2009
If all goes as planned....
Comment from Tuesday night's meeting:
"I was at that meeting and I agree I have never in my life seen such a spectacle. It was my first meeting and I was shocked. I thought these people were educated individuals but boy was I in for the shock of my life. You are exactly right it was like watching children.I guess I didn't realize it but you are right I was embarrassed for them and myself also. I was there for the animal rights issues but I can see I need to attend more meetings. This sadly is better than Judge Judy. Who would have ever known??? You also neglected to go into the part where the board and the county lawyer got into it about Roberts Rules. The county lawyer didn't even know the rules as well as Marshall Ecker and had to leave to go back to his office I presume to get an answer and at that he never did get a precise one. From what I witnessed I can say I doubt whether this county will ever be right again. Not after all these years these children have been playing in the sand box. Thank you for what you are doing and I am not sure you are not right in not releasing the tape. We need to work from within our county and make changes, ones that we won't be so embarrassed about. Our children do not need to see this as an example of how government is supposed to work. Thank you again I will be keeping up with this blog from now on."
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I wish I had been there to see it!
Question? Why didn't the Star-Tribune report what happened. Tim Davis, why are you sitting at those meetings and then not reporting to the public what is really going on. Why didn't the Star Tribune have anything to report about the supervisors coming off of their platform and speaking - or arguing - or whatever it was they did. Kudos to Marshall Ecker for doing what he did though....he has been treated like crap by Coy and his toadies....and they barely even try to cover it up. He has absolutely no true representation on that board, because he could say that the sky was blue and Coy would argue the point, and the Fab Four would vote that the sky is neon green. Why aren't we reading this in the paper????
Another comment - Coy Harville basically forced Carol Motley out, because he wanted the running of the economic development operation under his thumb. She had thought about retiring at the end of the year, but she had some irons in the fire, and in reality, she wasn't ready to retire. Carol had a genuine concern for the county, and economic development. She worked hard to do her job, and she knew it inside and out. Not everyone always agreed with her, or her way of doing things, but one thing is certain: she always worked for the betterment of the county and she was dedicated to her work; but once Coy heard her mention retirement, he ran with the ball, and actually announced it for her by way of the Star-Tribune. Coy wanted all the praise and Glory for economic development in the county - hence the Walmart thing. Hey, suddenly we don't hear much about that anymore do we. Coy hated Carol and her office so badly that he didn't want any remnants left - therefore, he sent "word" across the street that none of the employees would have a job after Dec. 31st last year. It would have been different if he had talked with the employees to actually find out what they did - because he had no idea - and made an informed decision as to who could continue to work to benefit the county. Instead, he booted everyone out, simply because of his ego, his jealousy and his need to control. He never even had the decency to tell them himself - he let Carol have the daunting task of telling her employees that they needed to look for work. If I had been Carol, I would have never been so graceful - I would have told Coy Harville where he could put his plaque.
There's a lot going on behind the scenes of this county and you all need to wake up and start caring about your government - or what's left of it.
Meeting June 16,2009
Now on to the board meeting. Well it was interesting to say the least. Debbie was away on business so I went by myself with a camera lent to us by Star News Channel 17 on your cable stations. I have not released the tape to the Star News as yet because I was embarrassed by what transpired over the coarse of the meeting and am not sure I want our Board of Supervisors plastered all over the Internet and cable TV acting as they always seem too lately. The immaturity and lack of cooperation of this Board is painfully evident at every meeting. It is like going to the Grammar School playground and watching the children play. You know you have the shy kids, the intelligent kids, the not so smart, and the bullies. It is truly embarrassing for me to watch and to think these are the folks that are running our County. Well, I say running the County tongue in cheek. It is a mess folks a real mess and that is only my opinion but it is an opinion of someone who has been an eyewitness to the facts for all to long. How I present them may be debatable but I am trying to do what is right. It is not often easy to be unbiased as you can tell by this report.
The meeting went something like this. One of the first things the Chairman asks is there anything to add to the agenda. Well There was not anything to add but they removed Marshall Ecker's part of the agenda that had to do with Whispering Pines Road water line.For those who don't know what this is all about read the following.
Whispering Pines Road water line pg 84
Marshall voted for this project back in Sept 2008 at that time it was to help citizens on Whispering Pines Road . He was told they had various water problems and need County water. On Dec .22, 2008 He voted to accept Reynolds –Clark to Engineer Whispering Pines project.
Prior to the June 1, 2009 Board meeting he asked the County Administrator why this project was being brought up and the expense of $600,000
He said he didn’t know and that Mr. Barber asked for the change.
At the June 1, 2009 Board meeting Mr Ecker asked if this would help those citizens who had water problems? He never got a straight answer. Again Mr. Ecker voted for this project .Something didn’t set right with his decision. Again later that week Mr. Ecker talked with our County Administrator and asked why Whispering Pines road wasn’t being served first? He didn’t know, he told Mr. Ecker Inman road doesn’t have anyone to provide service to, but Whispering Pines road does. And as Marshall is a member of Pittsylvania County Service Authority, he knew a 12” line up Inman road with little or no service will be a nightmare of trouble .The TTHM levels and HAA5 levels would be almost impossible to control with that low a water usage. Mr. Sleeper also said that this would help extend this line to Route 41 .Looking at the map at service authority building this is the most impractical route through nowhere to get to Route 41. Also the board was told this was money left over from Gretna Route 40 west to C & E’s restaurant. If in fact that $100,000 is taxpayer money that was not used from C&E project it should have been placed back in the general fund not moved to another project. Marshall found a Mr. Dan Chumley who lives at 5429 whispering Pines road. He also received an e-mail confirmation of that conservation. He was not aware that water will not be coming down Whispering road at this time. Marshall found out that this is an established area and Inman Road, Sugar Tree, Treelake and Foxberry are newer homes. He gave Mr. Sleeper his intentions to RECEND his vote on June16, 2009 Board meeting. That is why it was on the agenda .
Marshall Ecker had several options to change his vote 1. Renewal of a motion 2. reconsider 3. Make a new motion to include Whispering road in first phase and extend Inman road as far as monies would prevail. 4. Table this issue.
By not allowing Mr. Ecker these options the project could go forward the way it seems was intended in the first place. Whether it was cooked up this way or not it sure looks bad when they won't let anyone talk about it in public.
Next was the hearing of the citizens which got postponed till later in the evening.
Next the consent agenda. Carol Motley was honored with a plaque for her service with Economic Development. It was very interesting to watch the faces of the people who had admonished her so vehemently hand her a plaque for a job well done. I won't go into depth here but those that have paid attention to the economic fiasco will understand what I am talking about. It really is sickens me to watch this stuff. I like Carol and I think she did the very best job she could for the county under the circumstances. I thought for sure she would have something to say but she is a wise women to let it lie. No pun intended.
Then the Chatham High Baseball state champions were honored. Great job guys. As well as the Tunstall Lady Trojans for the Region IV Softball Title. Well done ladies. We are all very proud of you. The Hollywood Baptist Church turned 125years old and was honored with a plaque and a few other things you can look up on the Consent Agenda if you so choose.
All the rezoning cases were passed except for the Russell and Julia Stone petition. It was denied as it looked like they would be able to rent out a second building on the property for a residence which is not allowed in that area according to zoning.
The animal welfare had a nice piece wanting us to take better care of the animals sent to the shelter and cut down on the death rate there. About time. It was reported we have the worst record of any surrounding county.
There were several new appointments to the county all passed unanimously.
Now the Hearing of the citizens was brought back into play. Marshall Ecker wanted to know why his consent agenda piece was cut out. That is when the *&^* hit the fan. Marshall Ecker was so upset he left his position on the stage moved to the microphone on the floor and addressed the board as a citizen. Everything he said from then on was absolutely correct in mine and everyone that I talked to who was there's mind. It was out of completely understandable frustration of a board not being at least in appearance acting in the best interest of the citizens with no transparency at all of what goes on by their hand in Pittsylvania County. And I think most anyone who reads this and knows the facts could completely relate to the frustration and agree things have to change. It took a lot of courage for Marshall Ecker to do that and I was kind of proud of him for doing it. Well after he was done Tim Barber had to come down off the podium and address the board and claimed to have voted for many things for the northern end and genuinely seemed angry. And then Coy Havel came down to address the board and said they needed to act together. Welllllllllllll Hum! I am not going there you all know the story on that one. Anyone over the age of 5 knows about how the board is run and it's net results. It really was like a a Chinese fire drill. If you don't understand that one google it. They do a far better job explaining it than I could ever hope. Pretty much that was it except outside the courtroom after most people had left I found a few folks talking of which two were Coy Harvel and Marshall Ecker. Marshall was offering his hand and Coy was gracious to accepting it. But then it couldn't end there someone said something and the next thing you know Coy was going down the stairs yelling back at Marshall asking him why he hated Coy so much and Marshall explaining he didn't hate him and then all went home.
This is really just a brief synopsis and mildly put. The tape shows it differently and that is the reason I am hesitant to put it on the net or TV. Marshall Ecker will be on Star News Channel 17 on your cable stations Monday night and maybe they will show some of the highlights. Make sure to tune in and watch. If you don't have cable you can get it off the WEB. I will post that tomorrow. Debbie will be back for the next meeting and for the Monday night show on Star News and she will again be doing the reporting and I know you are all saying thank the Lord. Me too.
Rember if you want entertainment come to the meetings we would love to see you there.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Politics and the people
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
This is what I say about....
Hi. I'm Debbie S. and I want to clear up a few things - at least from my perspective. You all reading this certainly have the right to your own opinion - and I know some of you will not see it my way - but here goes. I have heard a lot of remarks about "Coy Harville and Dan Sleeper" as far as their "government" of this county. This is what I say: Dan doesn't make the rules - he only carries them out as he is instructed to do by the Board of Supervisors. Dan works hard and takes an awful lot of flack - because people think he makes the ultimate decisions about how this county is run and he doesn't. He needs a job, just like everyone else, and his job is to administrate the running of the county as instructed by the Board. Yes, basically he is told what has to be done, and he has the daunting task of figuring out how to get it done.
If he stood up against the Board to take a stand different than theirs - they would fire him without a blink. Some people have said he doesn't have the kahunas to stand against the Board. I say that he needs his job, just like the rest of us.
I know that even this blog has painted him in an unflattering light a couple of know that video of him sitting back and scratching his belly was just funny :-) but Ross and I both say Dan works very hard and has an extremely difficult task to please the Famous Four.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Did ya Know.....
I would also like to say this....this blog is not "pro" anyone.....including Mr. Ecker. I do not maintain a "pro-Ecker" stance; in fact, I disagree with him from time to time, and he with me - and we both know it. However - Mr. Ecker is without any doubt the biggest proponent of his constituents that I have ever known.....nor is he impressed with anyone's "status."
I said when we started the blog that we would do our best to be neutral - (sometimes it's impossible for me, sorry) - and mostly I just try to present the facts...
And this is the fact: Mr. Ecker also questioned Mr. Bowman's qualifications for the job of economic development, based on his supervisory board experience.
And now, you want my opinion? Some of the Board of Supervisors think they understand what Economic Development is, and the fact is, simply put, they do not. The End.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Hiring Freeze - Oh Really??
Well, is that it!!!! Most localities that are searching for Economic Development Directors have enough intelligence to know that this position requires indepth economic development and planning experience - and lots of it. Most localities want Certified Economic Developers. Economic Developers go through literally years of training to be able to understand a plethora of information on local, state and federal government levels....and at the point that they are Certified, they have certainly made their way into the economic development networks - which is a huge thing in itself. Unless I find out more - and if I do, I will certainly admit it, but right now it seems that this fellow hasn't even had the Basic Economic Development training class which is usually hosted in Oklahoma or Chapel Hill, and that is the initial training course for developers, nor has he been through the Virginia Institute for Economic Development at Virginia Tech. These are basic courses that even marketing and project managers usually have - and here they are giving directorship and big pay to a fellow that has to start at the bottom of the learning ladder when it comes to economic development....
So, how does his military experience (which I do applaud and appreciate in relationship to service to his country) - how does this give him qualifications needed for this position. The Danville Register and Bee says "Bowman's going to hit the ground running." Running where, I wonder - does he know where to run? Looks like he has run right into the pocket of the Board to me. I shouldn't be surprised. We all know it's a one man show. Give me a break....that's all I can say right now. Just sounds like more of the same old "buddy/buddy" thing going on. What do YOU have to say? Am I wrong?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Tuesday's Meeting (May 19)
Anyway, the public hearing began with Phillip Lovelace, George Stanhope, Allan Gross and Richard Shumate speaking against the Uranium mining and drilling. Allan Gross made the point that while the Uranium Mining may produce 300 to 500 jobs, the farmers in the county provide many jobs. The four dairy farms that were recognized the week before provided 60 jobs and there are 1,300 farms in the county! If the farms only produced one job each, that's far more than the mining would produce locally; and once the mining comes in and buyers find out that the farms are in the "uranium district" no one will want to buy the produce. Good point.
On to the public hearing about the Chatham Elementary School. Mary Cathering Plaster literally pleaded with the Board to carefully consider their decision. She said that the school could be refurbished much more economically than building a new facility, and what a wonderful structure it could be for housing county offices. What a tribute it would be to the historical value of the building.
Others spoke as well on the Chatham Elementary School, some wanting it given to the town of Chatham, some wanting the county to keep in and use it, and some that just wanted to make sure that whether the county or town had it, that it would be fixed up and used. There was some worry that the Town intended to simply sell it, if they received it, and put the money into the town coffers. Marshall Ecker said that he wanted a stipulation saying that if the Town didn't use the building, they could not sell it - it would revert to back to the county.
Marshall Ecker motioned to keep the building; Hank Davis agreed, adding that the county should work together with the Town to make the best use out of the building.
Well, Mr. Snead (I think) made a substitute motion to give the building to Chatham with no strings attached. Tim Barber spoke up, agreeing, saying it was going to cost 5 million to refurbish the school. Mr. Snead said he understood it was 8 million. Mr Ecker said that Mr. Hawker said it would cost 2 1/2 million to occupy the building and the part of those larger figures included fixing the Moses building and the jail. He again voiced the opinion that if given to the Town, there should be a 'No Sale' stipulation. He said taxpayers paid for that school, and it shouldn't be sold and the town take all the money. He said that it was in the citizens best interest to renovate the school, and he didn't care who did it, as long as it got done....if the the town can take the building and renovate it, then yes, give it to them, but not without stipulations.
Ecker then made a third substitute motion to table the issue until Chatham decided if they wanted to "take on" responsiblity for the building. Well, here we go folks -
Vote on tabling issue - 4 to 3. I'll let you figure it out.
Then came the vote on the second substitute motion to just give the school away, with no stipulations - Vote: 5 - 2. Ingram likes to be on the winning side in the end.
Well, then the circus began. A map that had been given to the Board well in advanced were obviously not paid attention to until that evening. It was a map of a local subdivision and the land around it...the people in the subdivision wanted an ordinance that would require that pet owners would keep their pets from running loose.
I know I'm not supposed to voice a comment, but I can't help it - here's my take:
Business: Local citizens need an ordinance to keep dogs from running loose in your subdivision:
Answer: OK
Instead, the board discussed it longer then they discussed the School, or it certianly seemed like was absolutely ridiculous....they split hairs over something that's common sense and make snap judgements on matters that will affect the whole county for years. They hummed and hawed for over 20 minutes - and here's the answer: OK.
Then there was discussion on the naming of the Social Services Solarium. Mr. Pritchett had a statement about it, but I can't tell you what he said or what he wants the place named. I sit on the front row, and I literally couldn't understand a word he said. Not a single word.
The Board voted 6-1 to fund Regional One again this year. Surprisingly, Mr. Ecker was the "1" - and my thought is this: that end of the county can also use Altavista's Life Saving Crew. Ecker doesn't realize how critical it is in other parts of the county to have a back up. I have the greatest respect for all our county volunteers - but they are volunteers....they are not usually ready at the Squad building to go in a moments notice; many of them are at work and have to leave and go to the squad building before they can get their vehicle on the road....and when they are on call, who fills in if another call comes in....We need Regional One. It's critical to saving lives.
Mr. Sleeper made a request to the Board to fill a vacated position in the IT Department. Mr. Ecker asked if they would have to lift the hiring freeze to do so; Mr. Harville said "No, it was up to the discretion of the Board" - or something like that.
The Recreation Board wants $12,500 from the County that they will match, to pay for a comprehensive plan of recreation for the county. There was a 10 day layover on that - whatever that means.....I really don't know, and you can't talk to the Board to ask a question.
Mr. Sleeper also informed the Board that they had to re-advertise the Budget; the original wasn't clear. He also told the Board that the Utility contract at the Gretna Park was going to cost $191,430.96.
The Board set the first Board Meeting in July (the first Monday) as a Public Hearing on the Gretna Boundary Adjustment.
And there you have it....keep in mind that all this is from a regular citizen just like you - I can tell you I don't have all the details in here, because I can't get it all down....I'm just doing the best I can to let you know in simple, plain words what I perceive is going on.
We will not be at the next meeting, because we will actually be on Star TV -Talk TV that night, doing a show with Jessica Robinson about the blog. If you have cable, it's Channel 17 at 7:30.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Board Meeting tonight
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Economic Development Director?
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Board Meeting May 4 2009
Once again, the Board Meeting did not disappoint us - lots of discussion on issues that will affect us for years to come. However, with that said, let me first congratulate Jim Davis, our
Emergency Management Director, for producing a VOIP system that will make Pittsylvania County one of the first localities in the U. S. to use that technology. Thank you Jim!
The most discussed issues of the evening were the Amendment to the County Budget and the resolution to restructure the county's bond debt. Davenport & Company proposed that we refinance the debt over a period of years lasting through 2017...the end results would still be the same - taxes will be raised to 12 or 13 cents - and it was going to cost the county a bundle to refinance. What this would allow, however, was a plan that would basically not hit us too hard for a couple of years, and give everyone time to "get their head around the tax raises." I'm sure this is over-simplifying matters, but you get the idea.
Mr. Davis proposed a substitute motion to take $900K out of the county surplus this year and not have to borrow - at least for this year. Mr. Ecker and Mr. Ingram agreed. In fact, Mr. Ingram pleaded with his fellow board members to see the common sense in this motion. Mr. Snead, Mr. Barber and Mr. Pritchett all agreed however, that it was foolhardy to "dip into the surplus"....that being compared to a savings that you should leave alone. What it all boils down to is the county owes $70M in school bond debt, which was voted on by the majority of voters. So...the county has to figure out a way to pay that debt. It's that simple - just like anyone that borrows - we have to pay back what we borrow - there is simply a disagreement between board members on what is the better way to go about this. So, in the end, the decision was split 3 to 3 and when time came to vote - Mr. Harville cast the deciding vote to restructure the debt.
In other business, the neighborhood of Huckleberry Hills received support from the supervisors to have a "leash law" in their neighborhood, so that one neighbor's many dogs would not be allowed to roam and bother the neighborhood.
A resolution in the form of beautiful plaques was presented to representatives from Hammock Dairy, Mountain View Dairy, Motley Dairy and Vanderhyde Dairy in the formation of Cobblestone Milk Cooperative. Cobblestone recognized these dairies for the finest quality milk products, comparable to any in the U. S. Mr. Roger Jefferson thanked the Board for supporting agricultural growth in Pittsylvania County; due to this support and the formation of Cobblestone, $25M has been generated in taxable revenue, and 60 additional jobs have been created.
Now, here's a little view of the meeting:
Monday, May 4, 2009
Coming out - in a manner of speaking!
First of all, we decided that if we didn't take an active part in our county, we had no right to complain....that's when we decided to attend Board meetings. Then we thought that we would provide a way for people to get a mild overview of the Board meetings. Many people just aren't able to get out, and a large segment of the community (myself included) didn't feel like going to a meeting after working all day...So we thought if we created this blog, it might actually get people more interested in their county government, and eventually give them a place to "speak" their minds.
I write most of the blog, while Ross Johnson teams up with me at the meetings to "explain" some of the things I don't understand in the meetings, as well as be the "point man" in talking with people about issues and working to get the blog "out there." We both take a few videos to post to the site or to YouTube. We are working, quite openly, to bring this blog to you, purely as two people interested in doing something for county's a very, very small beginning, but at least it's a beginning.
Our intent is to stay "middle of the road" and simply give the facts with no bias, regardless of what we personally feel. We shoot videos of people talking, and we report on the Board votes and's not indepth - just a quick overview - but probably all most people want to hear.
Truthfully, this whole blog probably started out because we were very discouraged with what seemed to be happening at the Board meetings - the continual 4 -3 splits, and the alledged "behind the scenes deals" and other opaque Board rituals...
But we also knew that if we went in with our own agenda, it would be of no real value at all. We need to keep very middle of the road with what we tell the citizens, with no leaning one way or the other, so that they will know that what we say on this blog is true to the best of our knowledge and ability. We report it like we see it - as Ross says, "It is what it is - now YOU decide."
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Board Meeting
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Comments from two citizens
"This is the same problem we ran into about a two years ago. Our problem was simple but important to myself and neighbors. We wrote emails to each of the board and got no reply. We wrote several more times to see if they just never got the emails and still got no reply. We assumed they didn't use the email because they had no access to computers or something was wrong with their system. The problem was eventually taken care of by the good folks in our neighborhood pitching in together and taking care of the situation ourselves. Probably what they were waiting for any way. Incidentally this was before Marshall Ecker's time so perhaps we do have one person who cares on the board and is in this century. Although I wonder as the rest of the board is always after him and never agree with him. Our board is pitiful to say the least. I am an 81 year old women who took classes at DCC several years back to learn how to use computers and to type. I can't do it well and it takes a while as I have arthritis quite badly but I try. The board needs to change and young people who care about their County for real should be on the board. This board only cares about themselves, power,and getting reelected. It is obvious and why our whole country is in the shape it is. I am at the end of my life and am so saddened by what we have become. I love life but sometimes I wished I hadn't lived so long as to see what we have become. I am glad you who ever you are are doing this as I could never make a board meeting do to my health but am still interested in what goes on there. I am not dead yet."
And here is another comment from someone who tried to contact the supervisors via email:
"In response to this post: I sent all supervisors an e-mail on 4/21 requesting their view/opinion on a topic that I feel is important when discussing future revenue for our county. I only received ONE response, the following day, from Mr. Marshall Ecker. No others have bothered to respond. I actually sent this same question to my local town manager and also got NO response. Thank you fine leaders!"
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Videos from the Board Meetings
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Adjourned Board Meeting, April 21, 2009
Nancy Smith reprimanded the Board due to the negligence of conducting Board business in line with Roberts Rules of Order. Mr. Snead and Mr. Ecker actually had the book with them, which was interesting.
A memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Corrections was voted on by the Board, and it was voted to go forward with this. Basically, in plain english, the old Prison Farm has been offered to the Conty by the state, and if the County goes ahead in a timely manner, they will be able to also claim "rights" to the beds, linens, etc. Basically, if the county is going to do anything at all as far as a jail space goes, this is the least expensive route.
Regional One's Contract was voted on and passed, 5 - 2, with Davis and Ingram against. There wasn't a public discussion, so we don't know why they dissented.
Wheeler Baker and Frank Martin from Hargrave Military Academy accepted a resolution from the Board in recognition of HMA's 100 year anniversary.
Then we had the rezoning cases, and this is usually boring - but one interesting topic arose - North American Properties - Coleman Marketplace wanted to rezone in the Sweetgum Lane area of the county from R-1 to RMF (Residential Multi-family). They intend to build housing facilities, with the intention that there will be no subsidized homes involved. With the second phase of the project, a traffic study will be required, but the company has proffered to have it done, at no cost to the county. The residents of the area signed a petition that they had no problems with the multifamily housing in their neighborhood.
Dan Sleeper informed the Board that the Hurt Volunteer Fire Dept. requests a lease on the Wayside Park in Hurt. The county will maintain what is already there; however, if the FD builds something on the property - i.e. a ball diamond - they would be responsible for maintenance on it. The Board unanimously approved.
In new business, a resolution to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and the VDH (Virginia Department of Health) requesting an investigation of the well water problems passed after some resasonable discussion.
The Board voted 4-3 to support Lindsay Bowman with a $500 contribution to support her pageant participation in the Miss VA pageant. Harville, Barber, and Snead voted against the proposal - citing that this should not be funded with county taxpayer money; Mr. Snead said that he made a personal contribution as supervisor from Lindsay's district and he thought that was the better route. I must say that I agreed with them, citing the tight budget right now. However, I did discuss this with Mr. Ecker, and he said that he felt it was the right thing to do, since she was, after all, representing our county. My opinion softened somewaht - BUT, since she is running as Miss Danville Pittsylvania County, shouldn't Danville pony up $500, too?! At the date and time of this meeting, Mr. Harville informed us that the City had contributed $0.
Dan Sleeper explained a Cost Allocation Plan that had a $10K price tag attached to it; however, he did explain that due to the county's use of this plan (which the county has been contracting for since 1979) Pittsylvania County gets back 5 0r 6 times that in federal grant money. Interesting.
The Board discussed the issue of giving Chatham Elementary (with exception of the Registrar's Office) to the Town of Chatham. Mr. Ecker said that there should be a stipulation made that the town can't turn around and sell it - in that case, the county may as well sell it. There is to be a public meeting to discuss this on May 4th, at the Regular Board meeting.
I have a few videos to upload, so check back later!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Send your Supervisor an Email
Adjourned Meeting, April 21, 2009,%202009,%20Adjourned%20Meeting.pdf
Try to be on hand if you are able.
If you would like to see the committee agendas for committees that meet before the Board Meeting, here is the Legislative Committee Agenda:,%202009,%20Legislative%20Committee.pdf
And here is the Finance Committee Agenda:,%202009,%20Finance%20Committee.pdf
So at least we know what the committees will be discussing to bring before the full board.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Open Forum
You Tube
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Links to the Board Meeting
Marshall Ecker's propopsal to up the litter fines passed. Several citizens spoke on the litter problem in the county.
Miss Danville Pittsylvania County attended the meeting and spoke to the Board to ask for their support, along with any money they may care to donate to her "run" for Miss Virginia. The Board members fell all over themselves to get a picture with was rather comical.
The Dan River Wildcats received a resolution of commendation from the Board for their successful season.
The meeting, in short, got interesting when the Board members started bickering between themselves in an almost PeeWee Herman way - any moment, I expected to hear "I know you are, but what am I"....
But to get serious, I am providing links to a small portion of the Board activitied during the meeting. To see more videos, go to and do a search on PittsylvaniaInformer to see all the uploaded videos.
Meanwhile, you can check these out....again, we apologize for having to split these up, but we have to limit our video times to under ten minutes to be able to upload.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
You Tube
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The "Other Side of the Story"
As promised, we have some statements from some of the Supervisors from the evening of the Budget Hearing on March 30, 2009. We would like to thank them for taking the time to talk to us about the tax issues.
Mr. Harville spoke to our camera to give his take on some of the issues. Mr. Snead was also kind enough to speak to us and here's what he said...
Mr. Ecker also spoke to us about the budget:
Mr. Davis had this to say:
And finally, Mr. Ingram spoke up during the hearing and had this to say to the audience in defense of the Board having to raise taxes:
We believe in Fairness
Star Tribune's Article on Budget Hearing
By TIM DAVIS/Star-Tribune Editor
A small but vocal crowd gave the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors a verbal whipping during budget hearings Monday night in Chatham.
"Tax, tax, tax - that's all Mr. Sleeper knows," said Nathaniel Dix, referring to County Administrator Dan Sleeper. "He ain't never cut the budget.
"Quit taxing the people to death," Dix told supervisors. "The whole budget is out of whack. What you need is a chop ax to cut and cut."
Although speakers were limited to three minutes, Dix, who has attended practically every budget hearing for the past 20 years, continued to berate supervisors long after his time was up.
Brandishing a copy of the Constitution, the feisty 92-year-old said, "I want you to listen to what I have to say, what the Constitution says and what the people are saying. Don't you vote for these taxes."
The proposed spending plan includes a 9-cent hike in the real estate tax rate, from 53 cents to 62 cents per $100 of assessed value, and 75-cent jump in personal property, from $7.75 to $8.50 per $100.
Other tax hikes include raising the vehicle license fee (formerly decals) from $29.50 to $38.75 - a $9.25 jump - and increasing the consumer utility tax on telephone, electric and gas bills from 15 percent to 20 percent.
Sleeper said the combined tax increases -$4.8 million - will go to pay debt service on renovations and new construction at the county's four high schools.
Voters approved the $70 million project in a referendum almost two years ago.
Tunstall District resident Charles Turner said he voted against the school bond, and urged supervisors to stop construction.
"The county budget needs to be cut down until it balances," he said. "If you really buckle down, you can make the budget work. The budget needs to get in line and stay there."
Turner said raising taxes seems to be an "easy button" for supervisors to push.
Mike Hudson of Ringgold agreed.
"Why do you have to keep spending money you don't have?" said Hudson.
Hudson said the county's population is declining, which means fewer students, yet the school budget keeps increasing.
"You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see it," he said. "The county is getting smaller and taxes are going up. Something's missing in the common-sense department."
Dan River District resident J.J. Moore said new schools look good, but buildings don't mean quality education.
"You spent money in the wrong place," he said. "You didn't spend it on education and quality people."
Moore sends his daughter to private school.
"I pay taxes for these new schools, but I can't get nothing out of it because I don't trust the school system," he said.
Karen Carter suggested pay cuts "from the top down."
"We can cut salaries," she said. "They are county employees. They work for us."
Carter also urged supervisors to take away cars and cell phones for county and school employees.
"I shouldn't have to pay for somebody to drive back and forth to work," she said.
Deborah Lovelace of Gretna told supervisors to stop spending money on industrial parks that are not producing jobs.
"I think that's just outrageous," she said.
Sylvia Deshazor said high unemployment and layoffs at Goodyear and Corning mean people can't afford to pay more taxes.
Deshazor and her husband worked at Dan River Inc. for 32 years before the textile mill closed. They have found new jobs, but the work doesn't pay nearly as well as Dan River.
"Our income can't handle any tax increase at this time," Deshazor said.
Richard Shumate agreed.
"Where in the world are we going to get this money from?" he said. "We don't have the money. It's just not there."
Monday night's meeting- the board's third and final public hearing on the 2009-2010 budget - was held to include $4.5 million in additional state and federal funds.
Schools received the extra money from the recently approved American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, or federal economic stimulus package.
The school budget increased from $84.9 million to $89.3 million. The overall county spending plant went from $225.9 million to $229 million.
Sleeper said the additional school money includes about $2.3 million to improve the standards of quality, $900,000 for Title 1 programs and $700,000 for special education.
The board's finance committee will meet Monday to make its final recommendations.
The committee's chairman, Chatham-Blairs District Supervisor Henry "Hank" Davis Jr., hopes supervisors will cut spending and lower the proposed tax increase on real estate from 9 cents to 6 cents.
"I think a lot of people are frustrated," said Davis.
Callands-Gretna District Supervisor Fred Ingram blamed tax increases on the high school renovation project.
"There would be no tax increase this year if the $70 million bond issue had not passed," he said. "That's the bottom line. But it did. It passed. I'm sorry. And it has fallen on this board to pay the bill."
Tunstall District Supervisor Tim Barber said the budget should be cut.
"I didn't support advertising the budget to start with," said Barber. "I think it can be much better than it is. This budget can be trimmed."
Supervisors hope to vote on the budget April 6. The school budget has to be approved by May 1. The county spending plan goes into effect July 1.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
More from the Hearing on March 30th
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Budget Hearing of March 30, 2009
This first gentleman is Mike Hudson:
This next video is Ms. Karen Carter, and Chairman Harville speaks up to clarify couple of valid points:
Mr. J. J. Moore also had an opinion on the school budget issue...
Monday, March 30, 2009
Public Hearing March 30, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Welcome any reports
Board Report from Marshall Ecker
It seems like the 2009/2010 budget is one of the most difficult items we have face in the history of Pittsylvania County .I know for a fact that it is the highest at $229,489,516 dollars. I just received the latest budget packet today. We will have a special Board meeting with Public hearing on March 30, 2009 .This will be your opportunity to speak again on the new increased budget if you missed the first two hearings. With the snow and power outages in the Northern part of Pittsylvania County the Board voted 7 to 0 to have an inclement weather policy in place. Anytime the County offices are close due to bad weather any meeting or Public hearings will be canceled for that night. At lease there will be no confusion if a meeting will be held or not. Very few citizens braved the elements to express their views on raising taxes. The turnout was much better at the adjourned meeting. I had brought up a motion to send a resolution to Richmond to allow Pittsylvania County to increase the sales tax by another 1%; we already get 1% from the 5% now collected from the State. This would be a much fairer tax as it would allow everyone to contribute to pay for Bond debit. It passed 5 to 2 for the resolution.
As chairman of Legislative committee, we had two meetings on the issue of changing the County ordinances to address Uranium and creating an ordinance to address how we may or may not tax minerals mined in Pittsylvania County. We were presented with pros and cons on these issues. Now it is up to the committee to set policy and make recommendations to the full Board.
I brought a motion to the floor to bring the County's Litter ordinances up the Code of Virginia standards. The trash in Pittsylvania County is a disgrace. I want more teeth in our laws to help make our County a clean County. Two members of the Board felt that we don't have a litter problem and that citizen groups can clean up the county. That is the wrong attitude to take. It was also stated that no one has been fined for littering. Well at the current $25 dollar fine, the Sheriff is not going to waste his time, but if the fine was $250 that could make the difference. This change would not cost you, the citizen, anything to put in place as long you don’t get caught littering. The vote was 5 to 2 to advertise a Public hearing to change the County's Litter ordinance and will be held at April 6,2009 Board meeting. Pittsylvania County Beautification Week is April 5 to April 11, 2009. Lets make Pittsylvania County a Beautiful County by picking up or cleaning up some trash. We had a citizen request that the County provide a dumpster on his property to clean up a dump site. We felt that this would set a precedent for other citizens wanting the same. We did vote 7 to 0 to waive the tipping fee for this citizen, and this will be on a case by case basis for any other citizen requesting same favor in the future.
The motion by Mr. Davis for a stronger resolution to the mining commission failed 4 to 3. I can’t see where we can have too much protection in place for the citizens of Pittsylvania County. This is where we need to make sure we are doing our best to protect the future. Some members of the Board felt that we have done our duty and now move on. We need to go beyond and above the call duty. So we sent our own resolution to the mining commission. It may not have the blessing of the full Board, but I want to make sure I’m doing my best for the citizens of our county. Another resolution from Mr. Ingram requesting Virginia Power to be more responsive in future power outages passed 7 to 0. The board also discussed concerns on frequency of assessments and how they are required by the State. A motion passed 7 to 0 to send a request to Richmond to change that formula. The Board voted 7 to 0 to spend $186,121 dollars for two new compactors and new roll off truck.
A contract for the Mega Park was tabled at this time for rewording of contract interest rate. The contract for Regional Industrial Facilities Authority (RIFA) passed 5 to 2. I had voted against this contract.
If you want to see the full Board of Supervisors packet it is on our web site look at the calendar of events and you will see the Board packet listed under meeting dates. This is a tool for all citizens to use and help to keep a watchful eye on County business.
Feel free to contact me by telephone (434-335-5967) please no phone calls after 9 PM or you can e-mail me at any hour I want to know your thoughts or ideas on issues that are important to you.