Thursday, June 18, 2009

Meeting June 16,2009

First things first. I have a retraction, our first that I know of but non the less a retraction. Marshall Ecker only meets with constituents once quarterly not once a month. Sorry about that. But still the point is that he does this at all.

Now on to the board meeting. Well it was interesting to say the least. Debbie was away on business so I went by myself with a camera lent to us by Star News Channel 17 on your cable stations. I have not released the tape to the Star News as yet because I was embarrassed by what transpired over the coarse of the meeting and am not sure I want our Board of Supervisors plastered all over the Internet and cable TV acting as they always seem too lately. The immaturity and lack of cooperation of this Board is painfully evident at every meeting. It is like going to the Grammar School playground and watching the children play. You know you have the shy kids, the intelligent kids, the not so smart, and the bullies. It is truly embarrassing for me to watch and to think these are the folks that are running our County. Well, I say running the County tongue in cheek. It is a mess folks a real mess and that is only my opinion but it is an opinion of someone who has been an eyewitness to the facts for all to long. How I present them may be debatable but I am trying to do what is right. It is not often easy to be unbiased as you can tell by this report.

The meeting went something like this. One of the first things the Chairman asks is there anything to add to the agenda. Well There was not anything to add but they removed Marshall Ecker's part of the agenda that had to do with Whispering Pines Road water line.For those who don't know what this is all about read the following.

Whispering Pines Road water line pg 84

Marshall voted for this project back in Sept 2008 at that time it was to help citizens on Whispering Pines Road . He was told they had various water problems and need County water. On Dec .22, 2008 He voted to accept Reynolds –Clark to Engineer Whispering Pines project.

Prior to the June 1, 2009 Board meeting he asked the County Administrator why this project was being brought up and the expense of $600,000

He said he didn’t know and that Mr. Barber asked for the change.

At the June 1, 2009 Board meeting Mr Ecker asked if this would help those citizens who had water problems? He never got a straight answer. Again Mr. Ecker voted for this project .Something didn’t set right with his decision. Again later that week Mr. Ecker talked with our County Administrator and asked why Whispering Pines road wasn’t being served first? He didn’t know, he told Mr. Ecker Inman road doesn’t have anyone to provide service to, but Whispering Pines road does. And as Marshall is a member of Pittsylvania County Service Authority, he knew a 12” line up Inman road with little or no service will be a nightmare of trouble .The TTHM levels and HAA5 levels would be almost impossible to control with that low a water usage. Mr. Sleeper also said that this would help extend this line to Route 41 .Looking at the map at service authority building this is the most impractical route through nowhere to get to Route 41. Also the board was told this was money left over from Gretna Route 40 west to C & E’s restaurant. If in fact that $100,000 is taxpayer money that was not used from C&E project it should have been placed back in the general fund not moved to another project. Marshall found a Mr. Dan Chumley who lives at 5429 whispering Pines road. He also received an e-mail confirmation of that conservation. He was not aware that water will not be coming down Whispering road at this time. Marshall found out that this is an established area and Inman Road, Sugar Tree, Treelake and Foxberry are newer homes. He gave Mr. Sleeper his intentions to RECEND his vote on June16, 2009 Board meeting. That is why it was on the agenda .

Marshall Ecker had several options to change his vote 1. Renewal of a motion 2. reconsider 3. Make a new motion to include Whispering road in first phase and extend Inman road as far as monies would prevail. 4. Table this issue.

By not allowing Mr. Ecker these options the project could go forward the way it seems was intended in the first place. Whether it was cooked up this way or not it sure looks bad when they won't let anyone talk about it in public.

Next was the hearing of the citizens which got postponed till later in the evening.

Next the consent agenda. Carol Motley was honored with a plaque for her service with Economic Development. It was very interesting to watch the faces of the people who had admonished her so vehemently hand her a plaque for a job well done. I won't go into depth here but those that have paid attention to the economic fiasco will understand what I am talking about. It really is sickens me to watch this stuff. I like Carol and I think she did the very best job she could for the county under the circumstances. I thought for sure she would have something to say but she is a wise women to let it lie. No pun intended.

Then the Chatham High Baseball state champions were honored. Great job guys. As well as the Tunstall Lady Trojans for the Region IV Softball Title. Well done ladies. We are all very proud of you. The Hollywood Baptist Church turned 125years old and was honored with a plaque and a few other things you can look up on the Consent Agenda if you so choose.

All the rezoning cases were passed except for the Russell and Julia Stone petition. It was denied as it looked like they would be able to rent out a second building on the property for a residence which is not allowed in that area according to zoning.

The animal welfare had a nice piece wanting us to take better care of the animals sent to the shelter and cut down on the death rate there. About time. It was reported we have the worst record of any surrounding county.

There were several new appointments to the county all passed unanimously.

Now the Hearing of the citizens was brought back into play. Marshall Ecker wanted to know why his consent agenda piece was cut out. That is when the *&^* hit the fan. Marshall Ecker was so upset he left his position on the stage moved to the microphone on the floor and addressed the board as a citizen. Everything he said from then on was absolutely correct in mine and everyone that I talked to who was there's mind. It was out of completely understandable frustration of a board not being at least in appearance acting in the best interest of the citizens with no transparency at all of what goes on by their hand in Pittsylvania County. And I think most anyone who reads this and knows the facts could completely relate to the frustration and agree things have to change. It took a lot of courage for Marshall Ecker to do that and I was kind of proud of him for doing it. Well after he was done Tim Barber had to come down off the podium and address the board and claimed to have voted for many things for the northern end and genuinely seemed angry. And then Coy Havel came down to address the board and said they needed to act together. Welllllllllllll Hum! I am not going there you all know the story on that one. Anyone over the age of 5 knows about how the board is run and it's net results. It really was like a a Chinese fire drill. If you don't understand that one google it. They do a far better job explaining it than I could ever hope. Pretty much that was it except outside the courtroom after most people had left I found a few folks talking of which two were Coy Harvel and Marshall Ecker. Marshall was offering his hand and Coy was gracious to accepting it. But then it couldn't end there someone said something and the next thing you know Coy was going down the stairs yelling back at Marshall asking him why he hated Coy so much and Marshall explaining he didn't hate him and then all went home.

This is really just a brief synopsis and mildly put. The tape shows it differently and that is the reason I am hesitant to put it on the net or TV. Marshall Ecker will be on Star News Channel 17 on your cable stations Monday night and maybe they will show some of the highlights. Make sure to tune in and watch. If you don't have cable you can get it off the WEB. I will post that tomorrow. Debbie will be back for the next meeting and for the Monday night show on Star News and she will again be doing the reporting and I know you are all saying thank the Lord. Me too.

Rember if you want entertainment come to the meetings we would love to see you there.


Raz said...
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Anonymous said...

I was at that meeting and I agree I have never in my life seen such a spectacle. It was my first meeting and I was shocked. I thought these people were educated individuals but boy was I in for the shock of my life. You are exactly right it was like watching children.I guess I didn't realize it but you are right I was embarrassed for them and myself also. I was there for the animal rights issues but I can see I need to attend more meetings. This sadly is better than Judge Judy. Who would have ever known??? You also neglected to go into the part where the board and the county lawyer got into it about Roberts Rules. The county lawyer didn't even know the rules as well as Marshall Ecker and had to leave to go back to his office I presume to get an answer and at that he never did get a precise one. From what I witnessed I can say I doubt whether this county will ever be right again. Not after all these years these children have been playing in the sand box. Thank you for what you are doing and I am not sure you are not right in not releasing the tape. We need to work from within our county and make changes, ones that we won't be so embarrassed about. Our children do not need to see this as an example of how government is supposed to work. Thank you again I will be keeping up with this blog from now on.

Anonymous said...

If you are going to tape it, no matter how bad they act like children the public needs to see it. Tim needs to be standing up for the waterline on Whispering Pines Road Himself. It is in his district.